Friday, February 29, 2008

Call of the Green!

Is it a dream ? Or is it true!
Shall I pinch myself or Ask you?
Out of the concrete jungle
Far from the maddening crowd,
This too is my country!
The lush green makes me so proud!
Walking in the shadows of the trees,
Feeling the silence there,
My heart seems to miss a beat
So green is my valley , so pure the air!
The soft wind blew across my face
The shadows created figures on the ground
Like little children having fun, playing around!
The lovely green seems to say -
"You are welcome to my home
Will you give me as assurance - please, I pray!
Don't destroy me, don't kill me
I will give you what you need
All I seek is just let me be!"
And I thought to myself- ' Is this a message from above?
As beings with intellect do we need to value love ?
Love for those who cannot speak
Love for those who give us all,when we seek!'
Thought after thought like waves in the sea!
What can I do to let my green countryside be !

My Prayer!

Leafless I stand, through summer and the rains
Watching the world go by, life still running in my veins
There was a time my friends were around
Green was my Valley, so sweet was the sound!
I watched each tree being cut, I am sure it hurts
But who cares for the bruises and cuts!
They are clearing the land for reasons unknown
They will reap the fruits of what they have sown!
A day will come, when we are not there,
The dust rules and mountain tops bare!
Barren will be the land, the river will run dry
No rain clouds form in the bright blue sky!
Children will cry, mothers will fret
Look around O Man! while you move at the speed of jet!
You are so powerful, you can save us all
The flower, the stream, the trees and your child, above all!
Protest against each tree that is cut!
You can plant a tree, make green the rut!
Stop this before it’s too late,
Then don’t say, “It was our fate!”

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A conversation!

Who is this ? Am not so sure...
Is it me - I so love and adore?
Walking up the path of life
Sometimes so difficult and undefined!
Did I do all things right ?
Or did I leave something behind?
A shadow, a reflection, is that me?
Flood of thoughts!...What do they say?
"Have you forgotten the path or have you been led astray?"
Do I hear a familiar voice? One I hear everyday...
Asking a question - " What good did you do today?"
"How do I know what good I do ?"
"Look around", I hear the voice say...
"Have you made someone smile or wiped a tear away?"

While I see the world go by!

I sat basking in the sun...
And watched the world go by!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

There he comes with a bag full of gifts.
The little one dreams; as he smiles and shifts
A bed made of rags, pieces stitched together in time
Some one had said “a stitch in time saves nine”
A hard day’s work, in the factory nearby
No sunlight in the room and you don’t see the blue sky!

In the convent school next door, the children sang
Christmas carols and other songs with a twang!
“Will I ever go to school?” he will ask Santa, he thought,
He had only broken toys that his Ma had bought.

So many such dreams come to us each day
Santa has a big task, wishes from us all that come his way;
For each child in our country, can we be a Santa Clause
And stop blaming the Government for all its flaws!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bridge - so many years!

So many years, so many generations gone by...
Footprints of the famous and the common,

Sounds of Laughter, tears in the eye...

A 'welcome home' and a wish goodbye!

You are a witness to so many a thing...

What will you tell us if you could one day talk; or perhaps sing?

On a misty morning, or on a rainy day,

You stand, so tall and proud as if to say-

"Move on, and build the bridges that connect man to man

With love and kindness and do the best you can!"