Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jab We Met!

I wait for endless hours for you to turn!
We may be different,
But wont you look at me even once , O beautiful one?
In this quiet summer noon,
While the whole world rests
Is it not the time to know each other and to bring out the best!
Don't look away O lovely one!
We could be different but together it could be a lot of fun!
The little flowers, the blue sky and the green trees around
Will stand witness to our friendship which can be so profound!
For once O beautiful one ! look at me
Let our friendship grow and the ' I ' becomes ' WE '
(Picture : At Crocodile Park, Chennai)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Can you Speak?

O Graceful One! Carved on a piece of Rock!
Break your silence now and talk!
Tell us of all that you would have heard or seen?
How many years on this rock have you been?
Who were they who created you?
Were they like us or a special few?
They must have been people like you and me ...
But with a vision - for beauty is all they could see!
(Picture: At Mahaballipuram)


As i stood on the sand waiting for the glorious Sun to rise,
Looking at the sea that seemed to swell with pride!
Wave after wave, water at my feet
The cool breeze caressing me - there couldn't be a better treat!
Slowly and silently the golden torch shone,
The blue water now seemed like a polished golden stone!
Here was a dawn of a bright new day, My head bows in gratitude and to my lips rise a prayer-
From the darkness lead us to the light-
"Assatoma Saat Gamayah, Tamasoma, Jyotir Gamayah, Mriturma Amritam Gamayah"
(Picture : At Marina Beach, Chennai)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Woman , The Mother

You symbolize the power to destroy the evil
You are an embodiment of love & care
You bring happiness; all sorrows you kill
You treat all as one, how are you so fair?

A part of you in every woman, so near us they stay
The friend, the mother, the sister or the wife
Changing roles as she walks through life
With a smile on her lips, and a tear in her eye
“Did the God make you in a very special way?”

You give us courage to fight bad weather
Your efforts to keep the family together
Your own worries you hide with such grace
O Woman, O Mother, you are the saviour of the human race!