Who are you, behind the innocent face?
What creed, what caste, which religion, which race?
Were you born with hatred ? Or, was it chosen by you?
You make a child cry , a mother weep, each day a terror new!
Like us, you too have a home, your kith and kin
Am so sure they would never be a party to your sin!
In the name of God, you shower bullets far and near
You drive in the minds of people disbelief and fear!
What will you say, when you face Him one day ?
What is the reason, to your bullets, the innocent fall prey?
We didn’t know you, neither stole marbles during a game
Then why do you kill in religions name?
Life is too short, make friends not war
Spread love and brotherhood both near and far.
Use your valour – O fearless one!
To serve your country – you don’t need the gun!
Learn to protect the old and hungry , to heal the sick
Today you bring animosity between countries – the mistrust so thick!
We have learnt to tolerate, but we are brave,
We love our country and will stand by each other – when times are grave!
Your spread fear and death to us – but in vain!
We have done it before – we will do it again!
You cannot win, whoever you may be,
Till the last man – each time ; we will protect our country !
India, fear not, dear one, you have many a valiant son
Our fight against terror, they have already begun!
( I salute each hero; heard and unheard of - who gave their lives to keep us safe.)
Sangha: Excellent one. Please do keep writing.
Really good one!!!
amazing . Pls keep writing
These crazy despots who claim to fight a holy war deserve no mercy. Too often we Indians have offered the other cheek, its time to take the most severe action and to root out these perpetrators and their puppeteers once and for all.
Jai Hind
Hi Sangha beautifully expressed thoughts.
I think,Mumbai is a is kind of show piece of India where the dreams are realized, money is made, people often say "Want to make some thing of yourself, go to Mumbai" The glitter that attracted millions also attracted the terrorists to make a statement to the world that they can wreck anyone's dream, like a child breaking the favorite toy of another child without remorse.
Our apathy, glorify the people who do not adhere to social norms, not forgoing the right to vote, allowing anti socials to terrorize, allow money power to buy votes are few ailing diseases that our society suffers.
Remedy:-Collective effort by the society to bring the change in all fields and act not react to the situations,and not being a passive observer.
I had expressed similar thoughts when the Mumbai blast happened in Times blog. what do you think?
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