Friday, September 5, 2008

To my first Teacher - Ma

I don’t remember when the lessons started,
Probably even when I did not know how to talk!
You taught me; dear Ma; to smile at the faces that looked at me with curiosity
Holding my little fingers as I reached out to feel the world around…

Then I took my first step forward
You were always there to help me take one step at a time!
To smile and hold me in your arms when I fell,
Taught me to stand up again and walk to the end of the path!

The first word, the first song, the first tear, the first love…
You were always there dear Ma…

As I grew and learnt the ways of the world
You walked beside me, showing me the difference between the right and wrong!
Taught me not to forget the plant, the flowers, the green grass and the trees,
As I walked life’s path, overjoyed by victories!

Held me close as I cried, hurt by the ways of the world
Taught me how to look ahead, to see the silver lining in the dark cloud!
Who else could have done this…but you dear Ma!
The unconditional love, the selfless sharing of the smallest piece!

You taught me the power of prayers, to thank the Divine
To be kind to all creatures, to listen and learn from all.
Taught me to live a life with gratitude;
Only you could have done this; Ma!

Today, when the years have gone by,
I walk through life and in the blue skies I fly,
And can do things on my own!
Sometimes I feel your opinions “old fashioned”
And I reason with you – “You don’t know the world outside”; I say
“It is not what it used to be during your times, you know”
You smile and nod silently as if to say
“I’m there for you ...just in case you need me, my dear!”


Unknown said...

Very thoughtful and extensive analysis with expressions from the deepest part of your heart. The Piece should make your Ma SMILE!

Minmini said...

Very nicely penned down, the thoughts and emotions...
This has brought back the childhood memories of mine.... about my first teacher MA...

Ramendrajit Sen said...

Very well written. Your hidden talent of poetry really surprised me... it may not really be hidden but must be someting that i never experienced in our interactions :)

This posting of yours opened up floodgates of memories about my parents. Thanks Sangha....

Keep writing.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, as always :-)

And hey lady, you have been given an award! Please visit:

Dola said...

extremely well written. evokes deep feelings ! Keep writing

Unknown said...

this is what I call, bringing one back to its root. Its amazing to realize that we have grown so much during these years, met so many people, experienced so many different cultures, traveled across globe, miles n miles and god know how much more to do... that's the real power of ma.. those initial caring for each of us, and makin us walk those few steps...we don't realize the magic hands have pushed us to travel miles......once in a while we shud get lost in our thoughts..which we seldom do....

Sanjay Bordoloi said...

.....very aptly labeled "Silent Thoughts"! Adjectives like "brilliant", "awesome", "mind blowing" sound very trivial for this! "Te Saludo"!

Unknown said...

This is very touchy. Very thoughful expressions.