Saturday, June 21, 2008

India - Our Motherland!

A few lines for all Indians staying across the world-

“Even though we are all far away
Let me remind you of our beautiful land, in a very special way.
Up in the North, Mountains clad with melting snow,
At the foothills, Mother Ganga peacefully does flow.
Cutting across the mighty rocks,
Taking in her stride all the shocks!
With her youthful laughter and gurgling sound,
Along her banks, the Nation she has bound!
Down into the plains she flows
Our fertile land, the food grain grows!
Smile on her face she merges into the sea
Some still believe, a holy dip –all sins washed, purifies thee!
To the West are the sandy dunes,
Sweet desert songs in the earthy tunes!
The harsh summer beat down, the red chillies dry
Night falls early, in the cold desert, you hear strange birds cry!
Bright colorful attire, smiling children on the streets
The ‘Dal Baati Churma’, O! Sure is a treat!
The Western Ghats have their own story to say
Winding roads, thick mist, green trees lead the Malabar way!
The mountains blend into the sea to the west
People singing & dancing, India at her best!
The Southern tip sees the ocean waters blend
You can tell one from the other; but nothing to mend!
The Eastern shores have so much of history
Each carving, each temple, each broken statue, tell of the invaders bigotry!
Up in the Northeast, the drums do sound
Two leaves and a bud – Earning us the Dollar and the Pound!
O India, Our Motherland, We take a pledge today,
We will bring you honor, even if we are far-far away!”

Friday, June 20, 2008

Light !

Oh! there is darkness all around!
Is there someone who can show us the way?
Darkness of superstition, illiteracy and dipping values!
'Rise and shine'– they say
Who will light the fire and show us the way?
Those were days in history, where people gave up all they had,
Loving our motherland was an honest feeling, and not a fad!
Leaders we have heard of, times so tough they must have seen
They gave their blood, to give us our freedom; what a fight it must have been!
Have we forgotten and put all this behind?
Is this the freedom they had in their mind?
Today, promises are made, only to get the votes
Buying and selling under the table with the colourful notes!
Who will show us the way today? What is right and what is wrong?
Each year our leaders sing a different song!
Rise O Young Indian and let determination bind,
Spread the light of knowledge, so none is left behind
“ …Tamasoma, Jyotir gamaya”
From the darkness to the light

On The Tracks of Life

(Picture: Krishna Kumar)
On the tracks of life, I wait for you
They say you know when love is true!
In the sound silence I hear you say
“Yes I promise you, I will come… And come this way!”
This is my home, lush green around
You will be happy am sure; you will hear no sound!
Only of the wind, that sings of love!
And of bees and birds in their nests above!
I am reminded of a song- “…hold my hands and I will take you there…”
On the tracks; I wait for you, my lady fair!
My brain does think and my heart does feel
Precious moments of life, time does steal!
How long will I wait here for you, dear one?
How many more wars to fight and battles to be won?
As the sunsets over the mountain slopes
Another day gone, a long wait, but my heart still hopes!
Do come home my Love – let my wait not go in vain!
For if there is a tomorrow, I will be here again!